Parent Handbook

Policies & Procedures:

Communication & Family Engagement Plan:

Contact Erika by text or email with any questions about your student or to relay information about your change in your child’s attendance or arrival time. If you need an immediate response, texting is the best form of communication.

Erika Locatelli / 206-409-7577 /

Names and phone numbers for other staff will be provided in an email the week before school begins. Please note. 

Peaceful Place will keep parents up to date on their child’s progress through an annual parent teacher conference, quarterly progress report, weekly classroom update, and daily face to face communication. Peaceful Place Montessori has an open door policy for communication meaning you may call, text, email, or request a meeting with Erika at any mutually agreeable time throughout the year.  

School Philosophy, Program, Facilities:

Peaceful Place Montessori provides a preschool program that is based on the Montessori philosophy. Our school philosophy:

  • 1. We believe that children require and deserve a peaceful place to learn and grow.

  • 2. We honor and protect the unique spirit and innate gifts within each child.

  • 3. We recognize the diverse needs and skill levels of each child and strive to meet them academically and emotionally where they are.

  • 4. We trust the child’s natural ability to determine and develop their interests and goals at their own pace.5. We create an environment that is homey, aesthetically pleasing, and contains self guided educational materials that allow the child to make discoveries and come to conclusions on their own better reinforcing the ideas presented.

  • 6. We provide the children with a curriculum that is rich, diverse, and presented thoughtfully.

  • 7. We allow the children the opportunity to care for their environment and themselves independently while we observe and support them building self-confidence and pride in their work.

  • 8. We give each child a chance to mentor and be mentored by providing a mixed age environment.

  • 9. We teach the child to recognize and regulate their emotions while navigating social interactions within the classroom, at home, and in their community.

  • 10. We continue to educate ourselves and our parent group so that we as adults may better care for our children together.

  1. Curriculum Philosophy:

    The curriculum philosophy at Peaceful Place Montessori is aligned with the Montessori Early Childhood pedagogy. The Montessori Method promotes independent learning through intrinsic motivation. Children are exposed to an abundance of learning materials in a prepared environment that allows them to achieve early learning developmental goals. Using our specialized education materials in their play gives the child a chance to absorb a wealth of knowledge about the world around them. Our mixed age classroom from ages 2.5 to 5 years allows children the chance to mentor and be mentored by their peers within the space and create a familial social group. Here are our core subjects. Art, Music, and Movement are woven into everything we do. 


    Beginning with simple matching and ending with grammar, our language program creates joy and love for reading and writing!


    Through concrete and practical application we provide the child with a strong understanding of the four basic math operations and begin a foundation for more complicated equations.

    Geography: By studying the planet Earth we become global citizens, fostering a broader world view and building a more compassionate understanding of our planet.


    We introduce the history of our region, country, and planet while taking into consideration the child's emotional sensitivity.  This gives the child a chance to discover their place in time and learn from those who came before us.

    Earth Science & Geology:

    Learning how our surroundings were formed and created allows the child to tap into the landscape in a more meaningful way and stokes the fires of exploration. 


    Through our in depth regional study of animals we delve deeper into the nature of ourselves and the world around us.


    Together we discover the wonder and joy of plants and trees creating a green thumb that lasts a lifetime.


    The study of the universe provides the child with a chance to understand the humble nature of humanity and discover the wonders of outer space. 

    Sensorial Development:

    Using the Montessori sensorial materials we develop the child's senses creating a higher awareness of their surroundings.

    Practical Life Skills:

    Broken into three categories (care of self, care of the environment, and grace and courtesy) practical life exercises create hearty self confident students who find joy in simple everyday tasks. 

    Enrollment & Admission Requirements:

    To enroll your child please follow our 3 step enrollment process.

    1. Email Erika to schedule an adults only tour.

    2. Schedule an observation visit at the school with your child.Fill out and return our tuition contract and submit the first payment. 

    3. Prior to your child’s start date, you will receive an enrollment packet requesting additional information about your child. This will need to be completed before your child’s first day. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with our complete school policies which will be emailed to you with your enrollment packet.

    We will keep your child’s records safe and confidential only allowing teachers to access their information. Equally important is that you keep your child’s information up to date! Please let us know if you make any changes including but not limited to: new doctor or dentist, change of address or phone numbers, change of who is allowed to pick up your child, allergies, medications, ect. 

    Tuition Guidelines:

    Tuition for the 2025/2026 school year is annual but broken into 13 payments for your convenience. The first payment is $1500 and the remaining 12 payments are $2500 per month. Tuition increases each year 3-5%. We offer a discount of $150 off per month for each sibling who simultaneously attends the program. Tuition is due on 1st of every month for the upcoming month. If tuition is not paid by the 5th there will be an additional late fee of $50. Please contact Erika if you will not be able to make your payment on time. 

    Full month tuition is always due, regardless of closures dates, sick or vacation days, or any other reason. If you wish to withdraw your student  from the program any time after the enrollment contract has been signed or before the end of the school year, you will be responsible for the remainder of the payments until your child’s spot has been filled. 

    Daily Information:

    School Schedule:

    Our Program runs Monday - Thursday: 8:00am to 4:30pm & Fridays: 8:00am to 1:00pm year round. We provide annual calendars of closure dates that generally follow the Seattle Public Schools. Please check and save a copy of the school calendar on our website to be sure of closure dates!

    Daily Schedule:

     8:00a........................................................................School Opens  


    11:00am....................................................................Cleanup and 2nd Meeting 


    12:00pm.....................................................................Outside Time 

    1:00pm…………………………………………………..(Pick Up - Fridays Only!)

    1:00p-3:00pm.............................................................Rest/Nap Time

    2:00p-4:00pm.............................................................Extended Day Work Time

    3:00p-4:00pm.............................................................Wake-Up & Snack

    4:00pm........................................................................Outside Time

    4:30pm........................................................................Pick Up (Mon-Thu)

    Drop Off Time:

    Routine is a crucial part of a preschoolers’ success and arriving at school at a consistent time allows for your child and our program to be the most enjoyable and effective. We ask that you have your child at school by 9:00am at the latest each morning. Exceptions for doctor’s appointments or special events.

    Sign In & Sign Out:

    When you drop your child off in the morning and pick them up in the evening you are required to sign them in and out of the school. According to the Department of Early Learning a parent, guardian, or other authorized person is required to sign the child in and out with a full signature and time of respective pick up or drop off. If you have any additional information about the person or time of pick up that day you can note them on the sign in sheet when you arrive in the morning. These sheets are used to help us track attendance and for reference in case of an emergency.

    In addition, if the child is leaving and returning any time during the day (e.g. a doctor’s appointment), they must be signed out upon leaving and back in upon return.

    Late Pick-Up Policy:

    We understand that from time to time, children will be picked up late. In the circumstance that you will be late please give the school a text to let us know an expected pick up time. We allow a 5 minute grace period, if you arrive within the 5 minute period no money is owed. If you arrive after the 5 minute window you will be charged for the initial 5 minutes plus $1/minute after that. Payment is due upon pick up and should be paid to the staff person with your child at the time of pick up. We understand things occasionally happen and will allow 2 late pick ups per year before enforcing our late pick up policy.

    If late pick ups persist, late fees can be doubled on Erika’s discretion. Please be considerate that we close at 4:30pm. Picking up consistently between 4:30pm and 4:35pm can result in fees at Erika’s discretion.

    Snow Days:

    Our snow policy follows the Seattle Public Schools for all weather related school closures and/or late arrivals.

    Observations of the School Are Welcome: 

    Parents and guardians are welcome to join us for an observation anytime. Our facilities are designed to be most appealing to the children and invite them to feel ownership over their classroom, school, and playground. As such, our shelves, tables, and chairs are all sized for the children. Please respect that this is the children’s space and when entering do so in a quiet, unobtrusive manner. Children learn through modeling, please don't sit on tables or counter tops. You are welcome to join your child by sitting in a chair or on the floor. If, while you are visiting you have any questions for your child’s teacher, please write them down and ask to speak with them later. If you are interested in joining us at school for an observation, please first schedule that time with Erika so she can properly inform the other students of your upcoming visit. 

    Behavior Management & Discipline:

    In a Montessori environment, we use redirection as our main mode of behavior management. Whenever possible we offer the children choices that allow them to meet whatever physical or emotional need they have, while keeping everyone safe. If a child continues unsafe or disruptive behavior, they will be asked to calm their bodies in a quiet area of the classroom. A teacher will stay close and follow up with a child once they have calmed down and are asking or showing signs of being ready to re-join the classroom. If a child is being violent or destructive the parents will be informed and involved in our plans to support the student. 

    Montessori also teaches the Peace Curriculum. This is a developed part of the Montessori Method that teaches children how to problem solve on their own when a dispute between them occurs. The children learn about this process through practicing at circle-time, watching their peers, and getting help from a teacher. If you are curious to know more about the Peace Curriculum please talk with Erika.

    Religious & Cultural Activities:

    At Peaceful Place Montessori we respect and encourage diversity in all areas. If your family has a religious or cultural practice that can be shared by a parent or family member please let us know, so we can enrich all of our lives by learning about each other's beliefs. Further, we will support your child’s faith in the classroom consistent with state and federal laws.

    Peaceful Place students learn about holidays and celebrations from cultures and religions around the world throughout the year . 

    Sick Child Policy:

    Children must be excluded from childcare, per the Department of Early Learning WAC code 170.295.3030, when the below symptoms are present. Please consult Erika with any questions about when your child may return. Just because your doctor says you can come back does not mean that aligns with the DOH and our schools illness policies. Please work with us to keep our classroom space safe and healthy. 

    • Fever: A temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Children must not have a fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducers before returning to school.

    • Vomiting: Children should not return to school for 48 hours following the last episode of vomiting for everyone in your family and everyone in your family has been well for 48 hours.

    • Lice, Scabies: Children may not return to school until they have been treated. Children with scabies can be admitted after treatment.

    • Diarrhea: Children must not have more than one watery stool in a 24 hour period, especially if the child acts or looks ill. Children should stay home 48 hours after a bout of diarrhea. 

    • Cough and/or Runny Nose: If a child has new or worsening cough or nose discharge they should stay home for 24 hours after symptoms subside or only lingering symptoms remain. If you are bringing your student with a lingering cough or runny nose please let Erika know when their sickness began. Children may not use over the counter cough or cold medication to cover new or worsening symptoms. 

    • Sore Throat: Children with a sore throat ,especially with fever or swollen glands in the neck, should stay home 24 hours after symptoms subside.

    • Rash: Children with a rash, especially with fever or itching, should stay home until they have seen a doctor, been treated, or they have been symptom free for 24 hours. 

    Ear Infection: Children displaying signs of a an ear infection, especially with a fever, should stay home for 24 hours after the  fever has subsided. Children without a  fever can attend school, but the child may need medical treatment and follow-up. Untreated ear infections can cause permanent hearing loss. If your child is uncomfortable and in pain they should stay home. 

  2. Eye Infection: Children with Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) including redness , itching, and thick mucus or pus draining from eye  should stay home for 24 hours after all drainage has ended and 24 hours treatment has begun for bacterial pink eye. 

  3. Unusual Appearance or Behavior: Children that are tired, pale, lack of appetite, difficult to wake, confused or irritable should stay home . This is a sufficient reason to exclude a child from school. Please keep your child home until they are well. 

IF ANYONE IN YOUR FAMILY has COVID-19, Flu, RSV, Norovirus or any other communicable disease that can be dangerous for children, babies, or people with compromised immunity should be reported to Erika right and an individual plan will be made for your child’s return. 

In the event that your child has been exposed to an infectious disease or parasite we will notify you via email.

Injury Policy:

We do our best to keep children safe and happy at school, but from time to time children get injured. If your child sustains an injury at school and has to be treated by a medical professional, Peaceful Place Montessori cannot be held financially responsible for any medical costs. By signing the provided waiver that you have read and understand the handbook you are agreeing to this statement.

Medication Management:

You must give written consent before we can give your child any medication. That includes topical treatments like lotions, chapstick, or baby wipes.

If your child needs medication that is prescribed by a health care professional,  we will provide you a form that is good for the duration of that specific medication.

Written parental consent is also required for over the counter medications such as antihistamines, non-asprin fever reducers/pain relievers, non-narcotic cough suppressant, decongestants, ointment or lotions intended to reduce or stop itching or dry skin, diaper ointment and non talc powders that are intended only for diaper area, sun screen or hand sanitizers. Any other over the counter medication than the ones listed above must be accompanied by written directions from a health care provider.

The Department of Early Learning also requires that we have written consent from a health care authority before we can provide vitamins, herbal supplements, or fluoride. If your child needs an inhaler, nebulizer, epi-pen, or has any other medical need we may ask for a demonstration from you so that we can be most effective and helpful to your child and their needs.


Please make sure to apply sunscreen to your child’s face and any exposed skin before you send them to school for the months of May - September (or any day you feel they might need it). If you would like us to re-apply sunscreen to your child please let us know and we will do that once a day, before the late afternoon outside time, for the months of May - September, as needed based on the weather. We use Thinkbaby Safe Sunscreen SPF 50+ but if you would like your child to use a different sunscreen for their reapplication, please bring a sunscreen of your choice that is either stick or cream (no spray sunscreens of any kind) and fill out the required form. We will send the sunscreen home at the end of September.

Medical Emergencies:

In the event that an injury is life-threatening, we will take the following steps:

  • Call “911”

  • Stabilize the child to the best of our abilities

  • Notify you. If you cannot be reached, we will continue down your list of emergency contacts until we reach someone, and then continue to try and reach you.

If your child has to be taken to the hospital and you are not able to be with them when they go, we will do our best to send a staff person with them and have them stay until you or one of your emergency contacts arrive. We will also send their “Emergency Contact & Information” form, immunization histories, and any other pertinent health information with them.


For the health and well being of everyone at Peaceful Place Montessori, we require that children in our care be immunized. The Department of Early Learning requires that we keep an up to date log of each child’s vaccinations and that those vaccinations be kept up to date as suggested by the state board of health. We require a certificate of immunization status from to be kept at school with the rest of your child’s records. We cannot accept a list of vaccines from your doctor’s office.


Our program serves children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years old. We require that children are in underwear to participate at school. When accidents happen our staff will supervise, make suggestions, and help the child to clean themselves and change into clean clothes. If your child is getting close to their start date and not yet consistently in underwear, please talk to Erika about tips to have them ready for school. 

If your child demonstrates a need or expresses the want for privacy while using the bathroom, we will provide that for them while keeping them within the auditory range of a staff person.

If your student is new to toileting and dressing on their own please make sure they are in clothes and shoes that are functional for their learning. Teachers will be as hands off as soon as possible to help foster independence in your child. 

Dressing Suggestions: 

  • No dresses please! They get into the toilet. 

  • Comfortable waistbands your child can easily pull up and down. No jeans, overalls, etc. 

  • Shirts that do not hang below their waist so they can easily reach their waistbands. No oversized sweaters etc. 

  • No tight shoes or shoes with laces that they cannot tie on their own. Your child should be able to get to the point soon where they can do it themselves. If you can barely get your kids shoes on they are too tight and your child will not be able to help themselves. 

  • Please begin to have your student dress themselves, put their shoes on, help with their own pull ups etc if you are not already doing so. If it involves their self care they need to be involved, even if they would prefer you do it. You should only be helping them if they are helping themselves! Have them use their hands. Put their hands in yours and help with more difficult motions. We know this can be tough at first, but it is our job as parents and caregivers and the only way they will learn. If you need more coaching on this please speak to Erika, she will be happy to help with more information. 

Field Trips:

At Peaceful Place Montessori field trips and off campus activities include walking trips on a routine basis to local parks and community facilities, and field trips by bus or car (driven by parent volunteers) occasionally to activities in the greater Seattle area. Parents will be notified in advance if vehicular transportation will be required, but will be given no notice of walking trips through the neighborhood. 

Snack Service at Peaceful Place: 

At Peaceful Place Montessori, we provide the children a morning and afternoon, organic, whole-food, snack. We use the most recent USDA CACFP requirements for healthy snacks as required by Washington state law. Please see the chart below for how we plan our monthly snack menu:

You will be provided with a dated snack menu once per month so you can see what your child will be enjoying. Food and beverage substitutions may occasionally be made to a scheduled menu but will always be of equal nutritional value. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Erika. 

All teachers at Peaceful Place Montessori have ​​a valid and current food worker card and will prepare all snacks according to the current safe food practices as required by the Washington State Department of Health. 

If a child has any food allergies, sensitivities, or religious/culture beliefs around foods, we will ask you to fill out a special need form and help create an Individual Care Plan for your child. Depending on enrollment we may or may not be a nut free school. We will email parents or guardians at the beginning of each school year (or when a new student joins our class) to let them know if there are any prohibited foods based on current allergies. 

Guidelines for Food Brought from Home: 

On special occasions like birthdays your child may bring a produce snack of their choice to share with the class. (No precut fruit please but we will gladly cut it for you!) 

Since Peaceful Place Montessori does not serve meals (only snacks) all lunches must be packed and sent from home. We ask that parents provide waste free lunches (no wrappers ect) inside a lunch box of some type, inside a lunch bag. We suggest using a lunch bag with a handle that the child’s bento style box or containers will go into. We also ask that any Bento style boxes or other containers with food go into the child’s lunch bag rather than straight into their backpack. Food containers not in a lunch bag of some type can easily drop out of the child’s hands and spill while on the way to their table, and they tend to get their backpack and other items dirty with food. 

We do not use water bottles at Peaceful Place Montessori as we provide cups and glasses for the children to use. No silverware from a child’s home is needed either. All of these items will be cleaned and sanitized daily. 

We also recommend to parents/guardians to consider saving dessert for home. If one child is eating a treat it can be hard for others that don’t have sweets.

As required by state law, all early learning must provide parents with the most recent USDA CACFP requirements for healthy meals so here is the chart to help you plan your child’s daily lunch:

Items Necessary to Send with Your Child:

First Day of School or Before:

  • A Pair of Well Fitting, Non-Slip, Indoor Slippers (We love See Kai Run

  • brand!)

  • Extra Weather Appropriate Clothing Including:

    • 2 Pair of Pants

    • 2 Shirts

    • 2 Pair of Socks

    • 2 Pair of Underwear

Every Day:

  • Waste free lunch inside of a lunch box and lunch bag

  • Weather appropriate layers (rain jacket, sweaters, rain pants, hat , sunhat etc)

  • Backpack that your child can easily carry that is large enough to hold their lunch box (plus a little extra room for a jacket or other items!) No tiny tight backpacks please !! 

Backpack/Lunchbox setup: 

  • Larger sized backpack with lots of room for your child’s lunchbag, jacket, and some work as stated on the New Student Checklist. If you can not very easily get your child’s lunch in and out of their backpack, it is too small! If there is no room for other items, it is too small! 

  • Lunch bag with a handle that your child’s bento style box or containers will go into. 

  • Bento style boxes or other containers with food go into their lunch bag. Please do not put the bento box straight into their backpack because it can drop out of their hands and spill on the way, and it gets their backpack and other items dirty with food. 

  • No water bottle needed at school, we use cups and glasses.

  • No silverware from home needed at school and please send back our silverware if it ends up in your child’s lunchbag by mistake.

  • Please consider saving dessert for home. If one child is eating a treat it can be hard for others that don’t have sweets.

Nondiscrimination Statement:

Peaceful Place Montessori admits students and employs teachers of any family  structure, race, color, gender, gender expression, disability, religion, national and  ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, program and activities generally accorded or  made available to students and teachers at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of family structure, race, creed, religion, gender, gender expression, disability or  national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship policies and other school-administered programs. 

Dual Language Learners: 

Peaceful Place will make reasonable accommodations to support dual language learners and do our best to make new students that are learning English feel comfortable and at home. 

Child Abuse & Reporting Laws:

As a licensed childcare facility we are state mandated reporters of child abuse or neglect. If we suspect any abuse: sexual, physical, or emotional, or any type of neglect we will document and report our concerns to Child Protective Services.

Disaster Preparedness Plans:


In the event that there is a fire the teachers will assess the situation and determine the best course of action. Teachers will grab the emergency backpack (which includes a first aid kit, child emergency contact info, and child medication records) and cell phones and escort the children out of the building through the safest exit. Our designated emergency area is the playground at the south end of Genesee Meadow. In the event that the playground is unsafe our alternate evacuation location will be the Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center. Once we are in our safe place we will notify parents or guardians of our location and make a plan for pick up. We will stay in the emergency meeting area until children are picked up by an adult on their approved pick up list. Teachers will not be released from duty as long as they are needed to stay within state mandated teacher-child ratios. Parents may contact the school in the event of an emergency by texting or calling any of the teacher’s cell phones. 


If an earthquake occurs during school hours teachers and students will drop, cover, and hold under tables, away from windows when possible. Once shaking stops children will be instructed to stay under cover while teachers and assess the situation. Teachers will then decide whether to evacuate or stay inside. If there is no immediate need to evacuate, we will check children and staff for injuries and give first aid, if needed. If utilities appear to need to be shut off we will do so. Peaceful Place Montessori will maintain an emergency supply of food, water and first aid supplies for staff and students.

Plan for Evacuation:

In the event that an evacuation is required, we will follow the above procedure to exit the building. Teachers will count students as we evacuate the building to make sure all children are accounted for. Once we are in our safe place we will notify parents or guardians of our location and make a plan for pick up. We plan to shelter in place as long as possible. If we have to leave the school grounds, we will send a text and/or make phone calls if possible. Our offsite emergency back up meeting places include the playground at the south end of Genesee Meadow or the Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center.

Emergency Drills:

In accordance with Washington State Licensing laws we will conduct Fire & Evacuation Drills once per month, Earthquake, Lockdown, or Shelter-in-Place Drills once every 3 months, and these drills will be practiced with all staff and children and at different times of the day. 

Additional & Complete Policies As Required by the Department of Early Learning:

  • Medication Policy 

  • ADA Policy 

  • Pet Policy  

  • Complete Health Policies 

  • Bloodborne Pathogen Policy

  • Complete Disaster Policies 

  • Staff Policies

  • Consistent Care Policy 

  • Liability Insurance

  • Inspection reports and notices of enforcement actions 

  • All other relevant program policies

These policies can be found in their entirety in the “Complete Policy Manual” either in the parent binder in the classroom and will have been emailed to you at the beginning of the year. Please familiarize yourself with it. Direct any questions to Erika.

We are so excited to have you and your family joining us at Peaceful Place Montessori. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call, text, or email Erika.

3905 43rd Ave S Seattle, WA 98118, 206-409-7577